Dense Blazing Star
Dense Blazing Star
Dense Blazing Star - Liatris Spicata
Dense Blazing Star is a visually stunning upright plant that adds a vertical presence to your garden. It robust form and feathery appearance make it a standout feature with grass-like leaves create a soft feathery look. The alternating leaves of the plant are up are longer and the base, becoming smaller as they ascend the stem. The showy magenta flower spikes are just delightful and are visually interesting even after going to seed.
The nectar-rich flowers attract a diverse range of wildlife - butterflies, pollinators, and hummingbirds.
Dense Blazing Star is a clump-forming species. This plant is moisture-tolerant but does equally well in sunny, well-drained sites. The plant can grow 3-5 feet tall and 1-2 feet wide, and its flowers in mid to late summer.
Purple spikes arise,Dense Blazing Star stands upright,
Nature's work of art.