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Swamp Rose Mallow

Swamp Rose Mallow

Regular price $10.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 CAD
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Swamp Rose-Mallow - Hibiscus moscheutos

A stunning perennial plant that is native to wetlands and marshes in eastern North America. The plant produces striking, hibiscus-like flowers that can measure up to 10 inches across in shades of pink, red, and white. Its leaves are also large and attractive, with a slightly fuzzy texture that adds to its overall appeal.

Its ability to attract pollinators, including hummingbirds and bees, makes it an excellent choice for supporting local wildlife populations.

With its large, showy blooms and attractive foliage, it is a popular choice for adding color and visual interest to water gardens, rain gardens, and other wetland habitats. Swamp Rose-Mallow is a hardy and adaptable plant that can also thrive in a other conditions, from full sun to partial shade and wet to dry soils.  Overall, Swamp Rose-Mallow is a beautiful and low-maintenance plant that is sure to make a statement in any wetland garden or landscape.

Fuzzy green leaves wave In marshes and by rivers Hibiscus beauty

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